Monday, June 9, 2008

Day One on the Power Tour

Drove all day from Minneapolis to Fort Smith Arkansas. The car ran great all day and the ride was pretty comfortable. It was getting about 10 +/- 2 miles per gallon. The speedometer/Odometer at a little off, so we could, accurately calculate the mileage. The weather was OK for most of the trip. There were a few showers and on big downpour that lasted about two minutes. We pull over to ride out the storm and by the time we stopped it had stopped raining. We stopped for dinner on the edge of Kansas City. We were trying to find a good BBQ restaurant, but the navigation system failed us, so we settled for BBQ sandwiches at a some sports bar. We drove through Bentonville, AR. (The home of Wallmart) and I was shocked and the amount of money in the area. We drove through three suburbs full of new malls and every chain restaurant available. There were also many new neighborhoods. Some with huge homes. Not what I expected from Arkansas. The new Interstate from Bentontville to Little Rock was also incredible. I think its good to have someone from your state become President. We stop at Fort Smith after a long day of driving. About three hours from the start point f the Power Tour. We could easily do the rest in the morning. We were glade to get out of the car, but were a little bummed out when attractive young lady behind the desk at the hotel in formed us in a very sexy southern accent that we were in a dry county. It was probably a good thing as we were pretty worn out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are a hoot. Have Al take a picture of your car just to add it to the blog even though you know what it looks like. Weather is starting to get nasty here again but should clear up by the time you drive back. I was looking for you guys on the news last night on the sandbagging efforts in Iowa. I didn't know where you were on your journey but knew you guys were expert sandbaggers from NDSU. Hope the rest of the trip is smooth- have fun- Shell